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Boots for life, with Marks and Spencer

We’re all busy bees these days aren’t we? Buzzing around between school drop offs, meetings, coffee dates, works dos and events. We have to have superhero type multi tasking skills. We efficiently manage our homes, our kids (and their homework, reading, not to mention…

moments photography lifestyle children

Capturing Moments and Making Memories

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I really love photography in the winter. Sometimes, there are moments when the light is dreamy and soft (the likes of which you’d need to get up at 4am to see in the Summer) and sometimes you get a lovely…

All About Babies

I absolutely love photographing babies. I just love babies!! Every age, every shape and every size. Chatting with the parents about how they are sleeping, feeding, how the birth went, getting a few little cuddles and maybe some smiles, I love everything about the…

Magical morning Northampton

A Magical Morning

Sunday morning, my husband has been away for two weeks at this point with work, and there is another week to go. The kids are fed and are watching TV, I open the curtains and see that the sun is actually shining for what…