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Why Shoot in Raw?

Shooting in raw was one of those things that I didn’t even know was a thing for the first year I was taking photos. Eventually I went on a portrait photography course and the tutor switched my camera into raw there and then. When…

Rwanda – A Beautiful Tomorrow

This post is sponsored by Taylors and Creating for Good My journey with Taylors and Creating for Good began way back in July 2017 when I received an email from Jess Henderson. I still have that email, and I can still remember reading it,…

Landscape Photography – Having a Dabble in The Lake District

Although I’ve learnt a lot in the last three years, I have so much more to learn. Although not entirely a beginner any more, I would say my technical experience with photography is limited to a “need to know” basis. If I’ve struggled with…

Tips for photographing children

Photographing Children

Most of you probably know that my greatest passion is photographing children, mostly my own children. They are the sole reason I picked up a camera three and a half years ago and learnt how to use it. In Marrakesh (you can see our…

old medina, Marrakesh

Discovering Marrakesh Part 2

I had so much I wanted to say about Marrakesh, that I literally chopped my post in two! Here is the second part, please take a peek at the first part here before the story continues.. The city wall of the old Medina runs…

Magic golden hour portrait

Midsummer magic

Golden hour is truly the holy grail for portrait photographers. The magic that can happen in that final hour of light before the sun sets in the evening, or in the first hour after it rises in the morning is really quite something.  The light is…