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Anthropology spring homewares

Bringing in Spring, with Anthropologie

Finally, Spring is here and once again I’m woken by the birds singing and the sunshine peeping through the curtains. It’s time to open the doors and windows (even if it causes a slight shiver) and let the scent of the lilac drift in,…

View from Auckland Castle Kynren


The North East of England holds a rather special place in my heart. My Grandparents lived in North Yorkshire, and my Grandfather had long links with County Durham. In fact his medals are displayed inside Durham Cathedral in their WWII tributes. I have fond memories of my…

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

I’m very lucky that because of my job I get to see lots of beautiful products and places these days. Of course if you live in a nice town or city with interesting independent shops, then hooray! However most of us live near the usual…

hannahargyle memories of 2016

Memories of 2016 and a Year in Blogging

The first thing I have to say is a big fat Happy New Year! A little late I know, but I haven’t logged on here in a while. January always brings me hope, and renewed enthusiasm for all that is going to be achieved in…

Little boys relaxing at Christmas in Fat Face pyjamas

A Cosy Winter, with Fat Face

It’s no secret that I love summer, and I long for the longer, warmer days all through the winter. Having said that, there are elements of winter that I really love and on the very best days – the cold bright ones – it’s…

Serendipity Bridal boho summer bride

Summer Bridal Photoshoot

It feels like forever since I’ve written anything here – so many ideas so little time! Although I’ve quite enjoyed a little breather, I’ve been doing a lot of styling for Instagram and it’s been really nice to let things slide a little here. Last…

Bonpoint FW17

A little Autumn magic with Bonpoint

I have been really missing outdoor photography. There is so much less daylight here now, and with the children back at school and nursery the opportunities are few to get out there and explore. In fact the last few months have just vanished. It still…

Amsterdam september 2016

Memories of September

I know I’m very lucky that my photography has brought me some exciting work and travel opportunities. Honestly though, I’m just a big slipper wearing, tea sipping, under blanket snuggling home body.  I’m really trying to go with the flow, as I can as…