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travel with kids

2 boys by blue timber framed building in Honfleur

From Calais to Honfleur

Côte d’Opale, Picardy and Normandy Coasts In late October we took the ferry over to Northern France, and set off on a trip down the coastline. From Calais to Honfleur – as much as we could in between! I love taking the ferry, it…

P&O ferries

A Weekend in Bruges – with P&O Ferries

A weekend in Bruges – a paid collaboration with P&O Ferries My childhood summers usually began the same way – I’d get home from school on the last day of term and my Dad would have hitched up the caravan and parked it outside…

In and around Bath – Staycation in the UK

I’ve been lucky enough to do a bit of travelling this year already, and I really felt myself getting the bug. With the Easter holidays approaching, there was a couple of other trips on the horizon, but they were for just me. Minus the…